flatsome_get_header_html_element( $value ) { $mod = array( 'name' => '', 'default' => '', ); if ( $value == 'html' ) { $mod['name'] = 'topbar_left'; $mod['default'] = 'Add anything here or just remove it...'; } if ( $value == 'html-2' ) $mod['name'] = 'topbar_right'; if ( $value == 'html-3' ) $mod['name'] = 'top_right_text'; if ( $value == 'html-4' ) $mod['name'] = 'nav_position_text_top'; if ( $value == 'html-5' ) $mod['name'] = 'nav_position_text'; if ( get_theme_mod( $mod['name'], $mod['default'] ) ) { echo '
  • ' . do_shortcode( get_theme_mod( $mod['name'], $mod['default'] ) ) . '
  • '; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped } } /** * FlatsomeNavDropdown Class. * * Extends Walker_Nav_Menu Class. */ class FlatsomeNavDropdown extends Walker_Nav_Menu { /** * Starts the list before the elements are added. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @see Walker::start_lvl() * * @param string $output Used to append additional content (passed by reference). * @param int $depth Depth of menu item. Used for padding. * @param stdClass $args An object of wp_nav_menu() arguments. */ public function start_lvl( &$output, $depth = 0, $args = null ) { if ( isset( $args->item_spacing ) && 'discard' === $args->item_spacing ) { $t = ''; $n = ''; } else { $t = "\t"; $n = "\n"; } $indent = str_repeat( $t, $depth ); // Default class. $classes = array( 'sub-menu' ); $display_depth = $depth + 1; if ( $display_depth == '1' ) { $classes[] = 'nav-dropdown'; } else { $classes[] = 'nav-column'; } $classes = $this->ux_add_dropdown_classes( $classes ); /** * Filters the CSS class(es) applied to a menu list element. * * @since 4.8.0 * * @param string[] $classes Array of the CSS classes that are applied to the menu `